Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Screw This

You know, this has been bothering me for a long time, and I think it's finally time I spoke my mind on the subject. I mean, that's what blogs are for, right?

I'm sick of this class. I'm not even sure why I took it. I mean, seriously: comic books? Who the hell would willingly take a class about comic books? I only took this class because it satisfies an unavoidable requisite for my English Major. God, I wish the school offered more options so I wouldn't have to take such crummy classes. If I hadn't already dropped one class this semester, I'd have dropped this one months ago. I haven't liked a single thing that we've read in this class. And the work is just ridiculous. I mean, two blog posts a week? Who even uses blogs anymore, anyway? I feel like some pathetic high school kid. And don't get me started on the papers and projects. As if I don't already have enough to worry about with my real classes, without making some crappy wiki page about a dumb comic. And a manifesto? I'm pretty sure that the basic prerequisite to writing one of those is that you actually have to care about the subject on which you're writing; I don't. And then we actually had to make a comic. I think I'm just going to stop going to class. I don't even care anymore. We've only got one more paper, and then I can forget about ever wasting my time with this sad excuse for an advanced level English course.

Oh, and by the way, HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY. Yes, I'm aware that it's not technically April 1st as of this writing, but I wanted an excuse to write this post. We're going to talk about the first four chapters of Fun Home in class, but I already wrote about them in Monday's post, so I needed something to write about. Meh, I was never really one for this whole April Fool's thing.

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